Home moan: "the hidden harmony is better than the obvious"
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Heraclitus in Iceland
Rusted rituals "as above so below"
Scraps for sirens & harpies "souls take their spirit from the waters" Particle flux "it is in changing that
things find repose"
Home moan "the hidden harmony is better than the obvious"
Alien aeolian infrastructure "people do not understand how that which is at variance with itself agrees with itself"So much water "you cannot step twice into the same river"
Bonus tracks: Heraclitus (in Akureyri)
Bee breath "even sleepers are workers and collaborators in what goes on in the universe"In a dream a drone - in a drone a dream "in the circumference of the circle the beginning and the end are common"Tocsin tales "there is a harmony in the bending back, as in the cases of the bow and the lyre"